By Patrick McCune, Account Executive
Make an impact, not just where you’re used to. What we are providing our customers Is different than what many are used to when It comes to billboards. As we grow, we encourage our clients to grow with us, to expand their reach. We are able to help our clients broadcast every aspect of their business in multiple markets, without the hassle of multiple contracts.
Our customers have access to any digital location we have available. We are currently in 31 cities, with multiple faces in those cities. Our clients have the ability to consistently market to the everyday consumer in multiple towns from miles, to hundreds of miles away. This allows customers to market in a town of their choice, and move to the next one in seconds.
Prior to meeting with our customers, we do our research. We want to make sure you are not only advertising in the areas you are currently in, but also areas you want to be in. Our network helps you grow and your network helps us expand. That is why we view our relationship as a true partnership.
Are you advertising solely in the market you are in, or are you expanding your reach to the markets you want to be in? Contact your local sales rep today to discuss your marketing potential with digital advertising.